• Sayyid Al-Hakeem: A Disabled Person fails to Uphold Proper Behavior, Not Someone with a Physical Disability

    2024/ 11 /28 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem: A Disabled Person fails to Uphold Proper Behavior, Not Someone with a Physical Disability

    On the second day of his visit to Wasit Province, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of the Hikma National Movement, visited the Persons with Disability Forum in the province. H.E. explained that disability is one of God's tests and that a "disabled" person is not merely someone with a physical impairment but rather someone who fails to adhere to proper behavior. H.E. added that when God takes away one blessing from a person, He compensates them with something better.
    H.E. noted that wars and difficult circumstances have hindered proper assistance for those with disabilities. H.E. called for greater consideration of disabled individuals when designing streets and buildings, stressing the importance of making this an ingrained cultural practice in how society interacts with them.
    H.E. advocated for government support and facilitation for people with disabilities, as well as for backing specialized centers and providing opportunities and resources to help unlock their creative potential. H.E. emphasized that his visit to the forum was a demonstration of his commitment to supporting this important group of people.