Sayyid Al-Hakeem holds elite and competent figures responsible for educating generations about the crimes and follies of the previous regime and their consequences
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with elites and competent figures from the province of Holy Karbala, marking the conclusion of the first day of his tour in the province. H.E. praised the role of Iraqi elites and competent figures in overcoming the challenges that Iraq faced politically, security-wise, and socially. H.E. emphasized that Iraq, in the eyes of others, differs from how Iraqis immersed in daily details perceive it and that the region's and the world's view of Iraq is that it has recovered and is moving in the right direction. H.E. called on the elites to state the facts, explain the developments, and focus on the achievements accomplished, urging them to spread positivity, and optimism, and compare the past to the present.
H.E. stressed the importance of creating a memory of the past for future generations and informing them about what happened and the people's suffering from economic siege, systematic repression, and mass graves. H.E. also exposed the falsity of some media agendas that attempt to beautify the image of the previous regime, affirming that the crimes of the Saddamist Ba'ath regime against the Iraqi people cannot be compared to any crimes suffered by peoples of the world. H.E. called for stimulating the economy and creating projects capable of mobilizing and generating capital.
H.E. emphasized that land allocation and development activate vital sectors and employ labor, as well as the importance of converting financial surplus into service projects and programs. H.E. stressed the need to invest in authorities, including the authority to transfer between projects or enhance the budget of provinces that exhaust their budget.
Regarding the unity of the coordination framework and its coherence and investing in this unity and coherence to support local governments, H.E. stated that the coordination forces are unanimous and clear in serving the provinces and their residents. H.E. clarified that there is no talk of amending the election law beyond media discourse, emphasizing the necessity of balanced outcomes achieved by the electoral law, with seat distribution proportional to votes. H.E. stressed the importance of the new Speaker of Parliament being representative and acceptable from his arena and the representatives of his component primarily. Regarding freedoms, H.E. said that freedoms are constitutionally guaranteed and ensured as long as they do not intersect with the freedoms of others, stating that freedom of expression means speaking about truths, not lies and slander. Targeting symbols under the pretext of freedom is unacceptable, H.E. added, calling in this context for logical boundaries for freedom of expression that guarantee it and prevent rumors and lies. H.E. emphasized the need for balance between the two matters, explaining that Iraq needs media capable of shaping public opinion.
H.E. also illustrated that the current policy is to localize the pharmaceutical industry according to international standards to preserve hard currency and provide job opportunities, expressing his hope that the population census would reveal the true number of inhabitants in each province. H.E. called for a safe investment environment at the social, legal, and administrative levels, stressing the importance of a single window surveying all investment opportunities and addressing the departments to respond to their positions on these opportunities within a specified timeframe. H.E. also emphasized in this regard the dissemination of a culture of accepting investment and accepting the investor.