Sayyid Al-Hakeem Al-Rumaytha is measured by its impact and inhabitants' quality not by size or population
In the guest place of Beni Hajim tribes, the clan of Al Bu Hassan, at the residence of Sheikh Musheer Jafar Al-Hameez, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with a group of Sheiks and dignitaries from Al-Rumaytha tribes. H.E. stated, "Engagement with tribes and families is a crucial matter and it is our duty that we do not compromise." H.E. described the martyr Mohammed Ali Al-Hassani as a leader, making him immortal in memory, indicating that Al-Rumaytha is witnessing a developmental surge that necessitates continued service and infrastructure development to bring Al-Rumaytha to its deserved status.
His Eminence wished for the government of Al-Muthanna to leave a mark in serving the people of Al-Rumaytha, emphasizing that Al-Rumaytha is not measured by its size or population but by its impact and the quality of its inhabitants. H.E. pointed out the possibility of recognizing positive developments occurring in the country when comparing the present to the past. H.E. stated that we must assess the region and the world's engagement with Iraq, as well as international reports on the level of popular satisfaction with the government and political forces. The conclusion of the international coalition file is evidence of Iraq's recovery and the completion of its sovereignty without the need for anyone else, affirming that the current challenge is the challenge of services, project implementation, and intensifying work momentum. H.E. noted that Al-Muthanna is witnessing agricultural development, represented by its contribution to the quantities of wheat produced.