Sayyid Al-Hakeem: The decentralization principle is constitutional, granting one entity full powers while depriving others does not achieve social justice
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with elites and competencies from Al-Muthanna province, emphasizing that spreading positivity is an important matter, one that falls on the shoulders of the elites and competencies, urging the necessity of educating current and future generations about the previous era and its drawbacks. His Eminence stressed the importance of creating a memory about the past in the light of a systematic and professional effort to present fragmented images of the previous regime as its absolute truth.
H.E. underscored that scientific assessment and comparison between Iraq's past and present are crucial, as the figures obtained through this comparison will support the new political system in all fields, albeit not highlighted, attributing this responsibility to the elites more than other segments of society.
H.E. said, "The principle of decentralization in the country is constitutional and must be adhered to. Granting one entity full powers while depriving others does not achieve social justice." H.E. reminded us that the Constitution took into consideration granting provinces their administrative powers because local governments have direct contact with citizens. H.E. added, "There are parties adversely affected by decentralization and seeking to hinder the grant of constitutional powers to local governments." H.E. attributed the obstruction of the decentralization project to ministries that granted powers without instructions, training, and qualification, as well as to some governors who monopolized powers and made institutions seek to re-establish ties with ministries.
H.E. emphasized the necessity to depart from a rentier economy, as oil prices will not remain at their current levels due to certain factors affecting their stability. H.E. stressed the importance of activating the quintet of productive sectors, namely industry, agriculture, tourism, investment, and modern technology, lauding the progress in agriculture, industry, and investment in Al-Muthanna.
Furthermore, H.E. called for the development of archaeological tourism facilities and desert tourism, as well as attention to technological aspects and the application of artificial intelligence to keep pace with developments in this field. H.E. also urged the adoption of modern technology in water management and the introduction of a new management approach for modernizing government hospitals through specialized companies, provided that Iraqi employees are employed, trained, and qualified. H.E. stressed the importance of adopting this principle with other facilities directly related to citizens.