Among them are grapes, olives, and dates... Sayyid Al-Hakeem reviews the Hadiths of the Ahl Al-Bayt about the virtues of food
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, continues his lectures on the Message of Rights by our Imam Zain Al-Abidin, Ali ibn Al-Hussein (peace be upon them). H.E. stated, "Continuing from the previous lecture, in which we concluded with the ninth illumination related to the right of the stomach, which is the eighth right from the Message of Rights of our master and Imam Zain Al-Abidin (peace be upon him). This illumination speaks about the qualities of food." H.E. elaborated on a group of Quranic verses that mention eight types of food collectively, and also mentioned many narrations from the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family) and Ahl Al-Bayt (peace be upon them) regarding the recommendation to eat grapes.
During the lecture, H.E. also mentioned a selection of noble narrations that encourage eating grapes and how to consume them. H.E. explained that grapes are used as a main course, a dessert, and a fruit, as mentioned in several narrations.
H.E. cited some noble narrations that emphasize the importance of dates in the diet and encourage their consumption. For example, Imam Mohammed Al-Baqir (peace be upon him) said regarding the interpretation of the verse "So let mankind observe from what [food] it was created" that "the purest food is dates."
Furthermore, Imam Ja'far Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said, "Whenever a dish containing dates was presented to the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him and his family), he would start with the dates."
H.E. mentioned numerous narrations urging the honoring of the palm tree. It is reported from the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) that he said, "Honor the palm tree, for it is your maternal aunt."
Regarding figs, H.E. reviewed several narrations that encourage their consumption, explaining their benefits in treating various illnesses. Imam Ali Al-Ridha (peace be upon him) said, "Figs remove bad breath, strengthen the mouth, strengthen the bones, promote hair growth, and eliminate disease without the need for medication."
In the context of olives, H.E. also cited several narrations indicating the importance of consuming olives. It is reported from Imam Abu Al-Hasan (peace be upon him) that he said, "Among the things that Adam (peace be upon him) recommended was the consumption of olives, as it is from a blessed tree."