Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls to immortalize martyrdom by naming streets, public squares using martyrs’ names
During the sacred month of Ramadan, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, had the privilege of meeting several families of martyrs at the Martyr's Memorial, where His Eminence extended heartfelt wishes for the blessed month. H.E. emphasized the profound status that martyrs hold, as recognized by the Quran among prophets and the righteous.
H.E. affirmed that martyrdom represents a symbol of honor and dignity for the families of martyrs, acknowledging that the achievements in security and reconstruction owe much to the sacrifices of martyrs and the blessed Fatwa of the Religious Authority. H.E. reiterated commitment to supporting the families of martyrs, including providing them with land, addressing their healthcare needs, and granting them privileges in various domains, such as ensuring the enforcement of laws dedicated to them and securing their rightful opportunities in employment and beyond.
H.E. stressed the importance of bolstering relevant institutions and media in assisting the families of martyrs. Additionally, we advocated for the commemoration of martyrs by naming streets in cities after them, as a lasting tribute to their memory and a gesture of respect towards their families. H.E. expressed our keenness to support and involve them in the events of Ramadan, a significant time during the blessed month.