Sayyid Al-Hakeem underscores telling individuals with disabilities stories, advocates documentation, sharing experiences.
During the auspicious month of Ramadan on 14/3/2024, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with a gathering of individuals with disabilities in Baghdad, extending his warm wishes for the holy month, during which believers are invited to experience the hospitality of Allah Almighty.
H.E. remarked, "Our presence here with you signifies our concern and support for your community. Disability should not hinder one's thoughts or actions." H.E. elaborated that divine justice demands compensation for those with disabilities for their losses, acknowledging them as individuals with aspirations and abilities who excel in various fields, reaffirming his commitment to their cause.
H.E. commended the initiatives of certain private sector organizations in employing individuals with disabilities, urging the implementation of supportive legislation and empowerment programs while stressing the importance of effectively showcasing success stories through professional means.
Highlighting the lengthy journey towards securing rights, H.E. noted the significant governmental attention towards this segment and the collective desire to serve and assist them. H.E. attributed delays in securing rights to bureaucratic procedures and routine, emphasizing the need to focus on positives and foster optimism, which are instrumental in both personal and societal development.