• Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls for justice for Selin Marshes’ people to recognize their sacrifices, jihadi history

    2023/ 09 /29 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls for justice for Selin Marshes’ people to recognize their sacrifices, jihadi history

    On the blessed Friday, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with a group of tribal sheiks and dignitaries from the Selin Marshes region in the northern part of Basra Governorate on 29/9/2023. His Eminence recalled the enduring jihadi struggle of this region and its tribes against the oppressive regime and terrorism and contributed to building the new Iraqi state. H.E. emphasized the necessity of compensating the people as they have endured what can be considered a crime against humanity, including the uprooting of orchards, displacement of families, and the killing of believers who rejected injustice and tyranny.
    H.E. also stressed the importance of raising awareness about this region, deeply ingrained in the conscience of the mujahideen, the Iraqi people, and all those who played a role in that jihadi phase. H.E. explained that the decline in services is due to several factors, including diverting financial and logistical resources to combat ISIS and the absence of provincial councils, which resulted in a lack of oversight and, consequently, deprived areas of essential services, development, and reconstruction.
    H.E. emphasized that the presence of provincial councils ensures representation for all, thus providing a guarantee for the fair distribution of resources. H.E. reiterated his supportive stance and demands for justice for this region, pledging to raise its flag and follow up on its entitlements with the local and federal governments and relevant authorities.