• Sayyid Al-Hakeem: services are an entry to restore citizen’s trust in the political system

    2023/ 05 /08 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem: services are an entry to restore citizen’s trust in the political system

    To conclude the second day of his visit to Al-Basrah on 5/5/2023, with the attendance of the Governor, Mr. Asaad Al-Edani, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met several elites and competencies and administrative leaders of Al-Basrah. The general concern and issues of Al-Basrah, and after listening to their valuable interventions, stated that Al-Basrah is witnessing a positive change that might not get noticed by the people of Al-Basrah themselves as much as it is perceived by visitors. H.E. indicated the state of contempt can become a public state in Basrah and the remaining governorates, affirming that services are an entry point to restore the citizen’s trust in the political system.
    His Eminence indicated the nature of the current stability on the political, social, and security levels and the nature of the regional and international variables toward Iraq, as well as its impact in achieving internal stability.
    H.E. stressed transforming the state of stability into permanent stability and linking interests with stability after it being linked to instability. H.E. held everyone responsible to achieve permanent stability, enhancing positives, abandoning the language of frustration and negativity, and negative generalization.
    H.E. identified 5 standards for the success of the Iraqi experience and conditioned objectivity in evaluation:
    First: drafting the Iraqi Identity politically, socially, and security.
    Second: the reassuring equation that preserves balances and the state of social components through cross-component alliances.
    Third: institutionalism, through an administrative revolution and combating corruption. H.E. made two conditions to combat corruption the first is by focusing on large files and the second is by disconnecting the road on the corrupt, and preserving public money through automation and transparency.
    Achieving institutionalism requires giving responsibility to competent people and abandoning the rentier state by activating the equation of 5 (agriculture, industry, tourism, investment, and technology)
    Fourth: adopting social and religious values to face social challenges, such as drugs, divorce uprising rates, suicide, and many others.
    Fifth: success in building regional and international relationships, putting internal trust over foreign trust as Iraq can’t fulfill its interest unless opening to everyone and integrating interests with others as close as they are to Iraq’s interests.
    H.E. called to activate the National Transporter in the field of exporting and importing oil, as well as redressing Basrah from the petrodollar, stating that the governorates’ rights of petrodollar are imprescriptible. H.E. called to reconsider the economic governorate without falling into the intersection of jurisdiction between the governorate and the new trust, calling for decentralism activation, and activating the articles of oil companies’ contracts that demand operating and training Iraqi personnel.