Sayyid Al-Hakeem: Jerusalem Day, free of the world day
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of Al-Hikma National Movement, said that Jerusalem Day was never a day dedicated only to Muslims; it was an international day for the free of the world, as Jerusalem was a city that held several significant heavenly religions and should set an example of coexistence between these religions. Not to be oppressed by a usurper and turned into a single-religion city that prevents other religions from practicing their worship practices and rituals. Reliving this occasion represents a clear rejection position towards Zionism, its dominance, and its supremacy over Jerusalem, which is an identity that can’t be waivered or negotiated by our Palestinian people, Arabs, Muslims, and every free person in the world.
His Eminence declared constant and continuous solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle and jihad, calling upon the international community and global, religious, and Islamic institutions to seriously work on stopping the daily violations against the Palestinian people carried out by the usurper entity.