Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls to involve people with disability, consult them over their measures
On a blessed Ramadan evening, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of Al-Hikma National Movement, had a gathering with persons with disabilities while visiting their gathering headquarters in Iraq, and congratulated them on the advent of this blessed month and called on the government and the House of Parliament to legislate laws that can contribute to mitigating issues facing this segment. His Eminence illustrated that there are developments in responding to people with disabilities demands. The positive side is that the Prime Minister was the Minister of Human Rights and the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs. We affirmed the importance of noticing any steps taken for this segment with the support and consultations of this segment.
• H.E. pointed out that disability doesn’t mean losing a limb or one of the senses. Yet it is a disability in thought and manners when a person possesses a deviant set of ideas and manners. H.E. affirmed that people with disabilities have lost one of Allah’s blessings, yet Allah Almighty redresses them with another or more. This is proven by their intelligence, wit, and talents.
• H.E. affirmed that a root solution for all of the people with disability issues starts with understanding that this segment owns their legitimate rights and not compassion. H.E. called for patience and hard work to obtain rights.