• Sayyid Al-Hakeem: The martyrs and their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families played a role in the development that Iraq has reached

    2022/ 04 /30 

    Sayyid Al-Hakeem: The martyrs and their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families played a role in the development that Iraq has reached

    On a Ramadan evening, Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met a genuine group of martyrs’ families, in the presence of the head of the Martyrs Foundation, Mr. Abdulilah Al-Naeli, 28/4/2022, where he recalled with them the value of martyrdom and their virtue in Islam, stressing that Islam is a message of life, and if this life is exposed to targeting or threatening, a person has to sacrifice his life so that others may live. Considering that the merit of the martyr in Islam is great, citing the description of the Holy Qur’an to be living and present with their giving and effects.

    His Eminence highlighted the merits of the martyrs. With the blessing of their sacrifices and their blood, we have overcome many of the challenges and difficult circumstances that have passed through the country, referring to the role of the families of the martyrs and the sacrifices they made by losing their cane and back, and the suffering and ordeal they were subjected to, and for that, they shall have the reward. H.E. called on society, the state, and its institutions to take care of them and provide the requirements for a decent living for them, also said on the need for them to receive appreciation, respect, and care, and that they should be proud of their martyrs and their history.
    His Eminence stressed the importance of cherishing the martyrs, preserving their heritage, which represents the heritage of a nation and people, documenting their stories and heroic exploits, establishing private museums for this purpose, and immortalizing their memory and remembering them by naming public squares, streets, and facilities after their names. H.E. indicated that Iraq represents the most important station and starting point for the reform project in the world, and the beginning of history and its end is on this earth, which explains why the Iraqis are exposed to trials, tribulations, and pressures more than others.
    His Eminence said, "Despite the passage of six months since the end of the elections and the confusion and imbalance that resulted from them, the political conflict did not take on the guise of sectarianism, it was peaceful and all parties acquiesced to the decisions of state institutions despite their feeling of injustice and oppression." 
    His Eminence considered this a positive indicator and a valuable development in the Iraqi situation and called to see the positives and talk about them as others see them and talk about them.