Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem calls to invest Baghdad Festival Capital of Arab Youth outputs
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of The National State Powers Alliance, called to invest the outputs of Baghdad Festival, Capital of Arab Youth.
His Eminence tweeted on Friday, October 29, 2021 “By hosting “Baghdad Festival, Capital of Arab Youth” activities, Baghdad, the capital of love and the habitat of peace, proves to the whole world its aspiration for a bright and prosperous tomorrow on one hand, and its ability to hold grand carnivals and cultural and sports events and other events on the other hand”
His Eminence welcomed the Arab youth gathering in our benevolent Baghdad and stressed the need to Invest its outputs optimally through the cross-pollination of ideas, exchanging visions, clarifying ambiguities, and bound the ties of affection and love among the promising generation of our gracious Arab nation.