ءSayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem calls Afghan Powers to join forces to achieve Afghan people interests
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of the National State Powers Alliance, called on the Afghan political powers to work together to serve the interests of the Afghan people. His Eminence tweeted on August 16, 2021, “We are following with great concern the accelerating security events in the Afghan scene and the fall of many cities into the hands of Taliban, which resulted in mass chaos due to the American withdrawal without calculating risks, thus confirms that reliance on foreign forces and external support to reform the conditions of countries’ internal affairs will not be of value in isolation from the national understandings of the people of the same country.” H.E. called all of the Afghan parties and movements to join forces to serve the Islamic Afghan people with all of its nationalities and sects and to learn from the harsh experiences they went through over the past two decades.