Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem calls to hold accountable negligent causing Al-Hussein’s hospital fire in Al-Nasiriya, shock of recurring events
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of the National State Powers Alliance, expressed his astonishment at not taking the necessary measures to prevent fire catastrophe in hospitals, and the latest incidents at Imam Al-Hussein Hospital in Al-Nasiriyah.
His Eminence tweeted on Monday, July 12, 2021, “An extension of previous unfortunate catastrophes with no solutions despite all the warnings and demands. This time fire spreads to the quarantine center for Corona patients in Al-Hussein Hospital (PBUH) in Nasiriyah, leaving dozens of martyrs and wounded among the patients and chaperones.”
His Eminence noted that this tragedy triggered our memory of what happened months ago in Ibn Al-Khateeb Hospital in Baghdad and expressed his astonishment at the failure to take the required measures and actions to prevent such unfortunate incidents from occurring.
H.E. called on the concerned authorities to open an immediate investigation determine the causes of the accident and to hold accountable the negligent and proliferators.