Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem’s phone call to President Mahmoud Abbas and Ismail Haniyeh: praised Palestinian people steadfastness, popular, political sympathy for the cause
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of Al-Hikma National Movement, Thursday 20/5/2021, made a phone call to both His Excellency the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and His Excellency Ismail Haniyeh, chief of the Political Bureau of Hamas, to express sympathy and support for the true Palestinian cause. Reaffirming his conviction that the Palestinian cause is a right that does not expire by prescription, but rather is increasingly firmly entrenched in the conscience of Arab and Islamic generations.
His Eminence reiterated his categorical rejection of normalization with the Zionist entity and praised the position of the Iraqi government, parliament, religious authorities, and social and political activities that supported the Palestinian cause, as well as his praise of the development of resistance methods in Palestine and their ability to create an equilibrium of awe caused to the usurped entity.
His Eminence expressed his rejoice due to all the Arab and Islamic stances in support of Palestine at the popular and political level. His Eminence affirmed Iraq's material and moral support for the Palestinian resistance and will contribute to the reconstruction of the areas targeted by the barbaric bombing of the Zionist occupation machine, denouncing the bombing of safe cities, residential towers, and infrastructure in Gaza City, and denounced the targeting of the headquarters of the media.
His Eminence called on the nations of the world to take a serious stand with the tragedy of the Palestinian people and to apply International charters, norms, and regulations to protect the Palestinian people and to abide by the charters of human rights and the right of peoples to defend themselves.