Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls to empower youth, discover talents, shield them against pitfalls
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with His Excellency, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Mr. Ahmed Al-Mubarqa, and listened to the latest developments in the important domains of youth and sports. Considering these files as pivotal areas influencing the development of generations and their resilience against prevalent challenges. His Eminence affirmed the significance of developing programs that can enhance the capabilities of young individuals, empower them, and shield them from potential pitfalls and foreign ideologies. Additionally highlighting the imperative of discovering and supporting talents, emphasizing the crucial role of coordinated efforts among institutions in this regard.
Concerning sports, H.E. advocated for the completion of sports facilities and actively aimed at hosting international tournaments. H.E. noted that sports in the contemporary context serve as a crucial avenue for promoting a country's policies and fostering its openness to both regional and global spheres. Furthermore, H.E. underscored the importance of anti-corruption measures and the prevention of individuals exploiting state resources.