Sayyid Al-Hakeem: Iraq’s stability reflects on region’s stability
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met a delegation of sheiks and dignitaries of Al-Najadat clan of Al-Shimr genuine tribe in southern Baghdad, led by the dear brother Sheik Mohammed Abd Kreidi Al-Najadi 17/6/2023, and recalled with them those stations that were filled with giving, sacrificing, and national positions. His Eminence indicated the challenges that faced Iraq, including the challenge of terrorism and the agendas that were aimed at breaking Iraq. Iraqis fought all of these challenges with a mighty will. And now it is a matter of the past. Iraq’s reality is now perceived positively, and the conviction that Iraq’s stability reflects positively on the security and stability of the region is consolidated.
His Eminence affirmed that the development path project will place Iraq in the national, regional, and international security systems. Iraq will be a massive player in the international energy supply chain through this project.
His Eminence indicated the importance of optimism and positivity, especially with the campaign of reconstruction in the service and urban aspects, clarifying the top characteristics of success represented by the Prime Minister’s person and his administrative and managerial experience.