Sayyid Al-Hakeem: Iraq is the center of future change due to its position, history, and political roles
At the Baghdad Bureau of the Political and Social Elites on Saturday, 13/5/2023, His Eminence deliberated with the attendees on developments in Iraq's political and social landscape, having listened to their valuable interventions, H.E. expressed content with the trend that viewed Iraq living an unprecedented stage of stability, Iraq is living in a new and positive climate. The States of the region and the world view Iraq as having a commendable experience, and the Prime Minister is accepted internally and externally, emphasizing that overall stability is based on political stability, which has had positive security, social and economic implications.
His Eminence affirmed that today Iraq is living in a state of internal harmony spontaneously without arrogance. Hence, H.E. called for the spread of positivity and optimism and the end of the stage of frustration, negativity, and accusations.
H.E. stated that the current budget took into account economic challenges, and in this context called for the departure of the rentier State and the operationalization of productive sectors such as agriculture, industry, tourism, investment, and technology, stating that the allocation of 48 trillion to the investment sector in the budget will bring about a shift in the field of enterprise and its approval for three years will boost investor’s confidence and productive sectors in the State's economic trajectory.
H.E. called for the reading of international variables since Iraq is central to a large part of these variables through its historical position and roles, which requires the economic, political, and security identification of Iraq. H.E. also stressed the need to pay attention to the private sector as an essential backbone of the Iraqi State.
H.E. also illustrated that Iraq's Constitution speaks of a civilian State that maintains Islamic constants and that the failure of a religious person in an executive or legislative position cannot be blamed on Islamists as they do not rule on behalf of Islam and its laws.
Sayyid Al-Hakeem affirmed that the radical treatment of the oil file between the Federal and Regional Governments lay with the legislation of the Oil and Gas Act, noting that balancing is a good ground to restore trust between all parties. Experience had demonstrated everyone's loss as a result of conflict, and had called for automation and transparency. H.E. stated that having the region’s oil imports in one account and under the supervision of the Financial Supervisory Authority would enhance transparency.