Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls for governmental components’ representation fairly, equitably
Sayyid Al-Hakeem, head of the National State Powers Alliance, reiterated his description of the Christians as a qualitative addition in our society that can’t be measured in numbers. Pointing out that it requires our hard work to save them, not only in Iraq but the middle east as a whole. H.E. invited all of the Christian immigrants to voluntarily return to their home.
His Eminence said that it is imperative and crucial to represent all of the components in the government fairly and equitably.
His Eminence met the Orthodox Armenian Church’s delegation headed by Archbishop Dr. Avak Asadorian, head of the cult and Secretary-General of the Christian cult leaders in Iraq on Wednesday, 1 December 2021, and discussed the political scene and its developments, and necessity of converging efforts towards achieving Iraqis interests and their aspirations of having a decent and dignified life.