On the occasion of the 9th of Muharram, Sayyid Ammar Al Hakim Calls upon the Partners in Country to Start an intrepid Husseini dialogue a Dialogue For the Sake of Iraq and its People
In the Name of Allah the Most Merciful the Most Gracious
Peace be upon you O Abu Abdullah. Peace be upon you o son of the messenger of Allah. Peace be upon you and on the souls that have gone and remained with you. I send you the blessings of Allah as long as you are there, as long as there is day and night. I pledge to Allah to visit you and renew my allegiance to you my master. Peace be upon Hussein, upon Ali Ben Al Hussein and upon the children of Hussein and the companions of Hussein who have continued their course without Hussein (AS). Here I am at your service! O of suppliant of Allah, if my body and my tongue did not answer your appeal for aid, my heart, my hearing and my vision have.
Peace be upon you O loyal Husseinis
Peace be upon you O holders of the victorious divine banner
Peace be upon you O patient and surviving people
Peace be upon you O of the apple of Iraq’s eye and the holders of the flame of Hussein (AS)
We are gathered today on the 9th of Muharram as we do each year in the capital Baghdad and other provinces: Basra; symbol of goodness, Maysan; symbol of Jihad, Dhi Qar; symbol of culture, Diwaniyah; symbol of generosity, Muthanna; symbol of revolution, Wasit; symbol of glory, Babil; symbol of civilization, Diyala; symbol of pride, Saladin; symbol of authenticity, Kirkuk; symbol of fraternity, Musol; province of Al Hadbaa, Erbil; province of the citadel and the flourishing Sulaymaniyah. We excuse our organizations in the provinces of Najaf and Karbala who were not able to participate in the big Husseini event because of the circumstances of the two sacred cities and the great number of visitors they are receiving. We are gathered today to chant from our throats our immortal Hussein slogan ((we are Husseinis forever)). Never, shall we forget Hussein. Far away to be in disgrace.
Peace be upon you O sons of Martyr of the Niche and Aziz Al Iraq. Sons of Islam. Sons of Hussein. Sons of glorious Iraq. Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah be upon you.
Peace be upon the religious authority, the scholars, the servants of Hussein from poets, convoys, Husseini organizations.
A salute of reverence and great esteem to the our people, in all their positions, affiliations, orientations, confessions, religions and regions.
A salute to the noble Husseini Iraqis outside Iraq wishing to share with their brothers and sisters these immortal Husseini rituals in their homeland.
On this great Husseini day, amidst this grand gathering, banners are held up for Hussein, the meanings of sacrifice, heroism and dignity are written in golden letters.
Our Hussein has opened through his revolutionary rise a great door of freedom and thus deserves to be father of all free people. How can he not be father of all the free people in the world, he who has destroyed with his revolution corruption, radicalism and sectarianism, and instilled the principles of faith in the right, which cannot be ignored or taken away as long as there are living souls sacrificing in its sake.
Our Hussein has destroyed the corruption concealed under the religious dress, governing in the name of violated legitimacy. This is the most dangerous type of corruption, whereby it governs in the name of Allah while Allah disowns them. This what we find in our current time, when we see those pretending to be an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and their latest statements on how they consider Hussein (AS) their enemy. They have put aside the saying of the Prophet (pbuh): “Allah loves whoever loves Hussein. Hussein is from me and I am from Hussein. Allah loves whoever loves
Hussein. Hassan and Hussein are the leaders of the youth of paradise”.
The confrontation between Hussein and Yazid was not a confrontation between a revolutionary and a governor, but one between reform and corruption. Therefore, the sacrifices were enormous, for all souls become cheap no matter how precious their status in defending faith. Just like Yazdi had people theorizing about the legitimacy of his government and corruption, Hussein had people sacrificing for defending his faith and divine project. This confrontation, dear beloved, will remain until Allah says otherwise.
In each era, there is a Yazid and there are people seeking to legitimize and theorize his corruption. In each era, there are Husseinis who defend the faith, sacrifice for the right and pursue the course of the leader Hussein.
Hussein has freed us from corruption and injustice. Hussein has taught us that freedom is the reward of believers who believe in the divine right, the forgiveness of this religion, Allah’s justice on earth and equality of everyone.
From Hussein, we learnt that fanaticism should be fought no matter what the sacrifices are, because it is a poisonous illness that destroys religion from the inside. The crowd surrounding Hussein in his army lost sects and religions, because the followers of Hussein are first humans before being members of a sect, religion or nation, because they realized that Hussein is the leader of the great freedom rise and that he rises with his principles above fanaticism, corruption and injustice. They realized that divine justice is the basis of confessions and religions.
Nowadays, as we live in this world of hatred, blind fanaticism, sectarianism and tyranny, we are in dire need of holding up high the principles of Hussein’s rise. O how much we need a revolutionary Husseini army that fights for all the human principles while transcending sects, religions and national belongings. This army should hold a message of Husseini peace, tolerance and coexistence, an army of love and harmony not one of battles and fights.
This is our Hussein, this is his great rise, this is the greatest lesson of tolerance, equality, justice and fairness. This is why out Hussein did not subject his rise and revolution to the criteria of victory or loss, or to the criteria of triumph or martyrdom. He wanted to show the reality of the authentic Islam of Muhammad so that he can save the religion of his grandfather from corruption and extinction. He wanted the authentic Islam of Muhammad to reach the hearts of people until the end of time. He wanted to prove that Islam is a religion of love, peace, justice and equity. He realized that this mission meant sacrificing himself, his sons, brothers and companions. They all died for us to get a pure Islam. If it weren’t for their pure blood, we wouldn’t be here today, we wouldn’t be gathered under this banner, there would not be an authentic and pure Islam.
Our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has performed his mission and spread the message. Our Hussein has protected it with his soul and forbidden them from changing its course. He was the rock on which injustice and despotism were smashed. He was the greatest door of freedom. He was the father of free and revolutionary people.
May Allah bless your Hussein for you O heroes! May Allah bless the renovating Husseini martyrdom! May Allah bless the tears shed by the rebellious people in love with you, O Abu Abdullah!
O brave followers of Hussein, O followers of the Martyr of the Niche and Aziz Al Iraq,
The memory of our Hussein is the memory of humanity and the essence of its renovating revolutionary thought. There are not ten days for sorrow and tears as much as they are days that teach us the meaning of freedom, revolution and victory, Ten days that teach us how to cling to life to the degree of martyrdom, how to hold on to tolerance to the degree of revolution, how to hold on to sacrifice until we achieve victory. These days take us from the earthly laws to the sky; they rebuild us, inspire us and provide us with an infinite energy to survive and defend the right and faith. We do not cry over our Hussein out of weakness, for heroes do not cry over heroes, but we cry over him to deepen the human feeling in our hearts.
They wanted us to be defeated, so we stood like mountains because we held up the banner of Hussein. They wanted us to lose, so we triumphed while they were defeated, they did not know that we will never lose as long as we are inspired by Karbala to hold on to the revolution and dignity. They did not know that we will not lose as long as we are reborn in Ashura, for the martyrdom of our leader Hussein grants us a thousand lives. They did not know that we will not be defeated because we are lovers of life, lovers of martyrdom, and eternal holders of the slogan “Far away to be in disgrace”.
This slogan is rooted in the depths of history and continues to the end of the future. This is the scream that tyrants and despots fear. All reformist revolutions meet in Karbala and are contained by Karbala. All reformist revolutionists are Husseinis in its general human meaning.
The Husseini revolution was born in the moment of martyrdom of the leader. Therefore, there is no other revolution similar to that of our Hussein, where birth is the moment of martyrdom, where true victory starts with apparent defeat.
O how much we need today, dear followers of Hussein, to mobilize this spirit and reincarnate this image and continue the establishment of these principles, for the fight between the right and wrong does not end at a defined historic moment; it is a continuous state that is in constant renovation.
O Husseinis!
The principles of rightness and reform deserve sacrifice and require boldness in the diagnosis and treatment. The fate of Iraq is the reformist, sacrificing martyr Hussein. The enemy of Hussein’s Iraq is meant to be resurrected with Yazid and thrown in the rock bottom of history.
Zaynab Bint Ali has led her battle from the moment our Hussein finished his military battle. The geographical area from Karbala to Kufa and to the Levant was a witness to this battle in which the lady of Banu Hashim vanquished the armies of tyrants. Those days are so much similar to nowadays. Our lady Zaynab is still pursuing her battle; she represents the survival of the right in the face of the wrong, the survival of tolerance in the face of fanaticism and of authenticity in the face of corruption. The lady of Banu Hashim kept back all those who abused the religion of her grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). She raised awareness where information was concealed and facts distorted. She proved that an ignorant governor cannot stop the Husseini momentum flowing from Karbala.
Here we say to the terrorists and new Yazidis who are trying to attack our values, nation and countries that you will be faced with millions of Hussein and Zeinab, followers of the revolution and legacy of Hussein, and you will never reach your evil goals as long as our hearts are beating.
We draw these lessons so that the Iraq of Hussein redeems its glow and vigor. Our battle against tyrants is still on, and our battle against corruption, fanaticism and sectarianism is similar to that of Hussein in course and meaning. The time may be different, but the adversaries are still the same. Right will only meet injustice on the battle ground with swords clashing and under calls for freedom. And as Hussein defeated their corruption, perversion and swords with his blood, the torn bodies of our victims will vanquish their terrorism, wickedness, sectarianism and takfiri thought.
To our brothers in religion and humanity, and all around the globe, we say, let’s dust off the misled and distorted Islam and shape a new future for our original Islam. Let’s establish the divine project on earth so that that Islam is supreme and Muslims become the best nation ever raised up for mankind. Let’s understand the Hussein as revolution, legacy and leader, and thus we can recognize that the biggest victory is to triumph our selfishness, wickedness and fanaticism in positions and thoughts. Let’s sit around the table and talk as Karbala taught us the fundamentals and principles of the dialogue, for the main lesson drawn from the Husseini revolution is to have a dialogue in all directions and over an extended space of convergence. This dialogue which extended from Medina and Mecca to Karbala and Kufa then to Syria, throughout the stages of the battle and the revolution.
Through the dialogue adopted by the Husseini revolution, Al Hurr Ibn Yazidal Tamimi moved from the army defending the wrong to that defending the right, and tyrants were disgraced before the battle could even start. We can hear the dialogue of the Zayn al Abidin (AS) with the muezzin of the Sultan, silencing Yazid at the very top of his victory. Thus Karbala gives us another great lesson i.e. the Husseinis are not afraid of engaging in dialogue and Hussein was victorious through dialogue because the course of Hussein is that of reform and in order to make reforms, we must walk the path of dialiogue.
So to our partners in country and identity, let’s make Hussein our role model in these hard conditions. We must understand the language of Hussein’s dialogue which has been proceeding since the battle of Karbala and the rise of the Husseini revolution until this moment. After one thousand and four hundred years, the language of Hussein’s dialogue is still conveying lessons and teaching us how to live freely and how to seek right and justice. We must be as fearless as Hussein was in order to start an intrepid Husseini dialogue for the sake of this country who deserves that we all sacrifice for it, and for the sake of this Husseini people to the sacrifices and victims of whom we show our reverence, this people who defeated the illusions of tyrants and terrorists and is still resisting until achieving the greatest victory.
To the heroic Husseinis, O the sons of the martyr of the niche and Aziz of Iraq,
You have a sacred and crucial mission which is to build the Iraq of Hussein and defend it. Your parents put their trust in you, for they see in you the hope which will complete the task of recovering the stolen rights and living in dignity in the country of Hussein. Our destiny as the sons of the martyr of the niche is to work and be real men in hard times. Our destiny is to be generous like Hussein and the protective shield and lance of this nation. Our destiny is to give more than our number can allow. And this is the main point of Hussein’s legacy.
To the Husseinis,
To the sons of the martyr of the niche, to the men and citizens of this country, you were and will always be like Hussein in action and words, in conduct and great positions. You are our hope, and we can see a glowing tomorrow in your honest faces and actions.
Keep walking on the path of Hussein, apply the slogan you raised (We…will remain Husseinis forever) for the sake of your religion and country, and do not let anyone discourage you no matter how big difficulties and obstacles are. You are truly Husseinis we can count on in such times.
To our religion and country fellows,
Let’s make Ashura a stop to reconsider our attitudes and engage in an honest Husseini dialogue. Husseinis would never advocate discord and fighting or use offensive words. Husseinis would never allow for conflicting and losing of goals. Karbala was always a symbol of unity, sacrifice and altruism, and Iraq of Hussin must also promote dialogue, communication and convergence on the right for the sake of a country that deserves to be a beacon for right.
In this assembly of Abou Abdullah al Hussein, as if someone is invoking our conscience: Be guarded against conflict and discord. Be united in Iraq and for it, and for the grievance of an oppressed and a stolen right.
To the original Husseinis, to the loyal sons of the martyr of the niche
Our project for our aggrieved people is looming, and our way toward the fair modern state is now well-defined. We need to merge ourselves with our people in our greatest project, and to be the eye through which it sees the future and the heart beating with ambition and hope for it. We must be committed to advance the interest of the country and the citizens over our timely and categorical interests. History will only remember those respected by their people and who honored their responsibilities and worked with loyalty and honesty. That’s what we learnt from Hussein and strongly implanted in us by our eternal martyr, the martyr of the niche, the lead of whom was followed by Aziz of Iraq (may Allah sanctify his sole).
To the outstanding Husseinis,
As inspiration from this great memory and in this place of Hussein, we reiterate that we will follow the reformative course of Hussein, that corruption is the epidemic of this injured country and that the first priority to us is to face corruption and strongly oppose its supporters. We will not accept that Iraq be a ground for corruption and corrupts. We will not accept that the riches of our people be plundered, or that its rights and prohibitions be violated. We, in the Martyr of the Niche movement and Al Muwattin movement, will focus in our next big battle, if Allah will, on fighting corruption and corrupts, and launch our project of global administrative revolution in order to save the public institutions from routine, negligence, laziness and retardation. And our slogan for the next stage will not change: “A people we do not serve is a people we do not deserve to represent.”
To the honest Husseinis,
Our region is witnessing great shifts, and is found on a turning point: whether to be submerged by chaos, takfirism and evil, or that its peoples converge on love, security and peace. Iraq is currently the bulwark against the flood of hatred and corruption, and thus it has to be a bridge of communication and convergence, not a front of intersection and animosity, while the countries of the region have a big responsibility of taking their peoples to the safe shore amidst this boiling turmoil. From Bahrain which is still suffering from a serious division, to Syria which turned into an arena for international confrontation – we hope Geneva 2 manages to stop the fighting in this brother country and reach a political peaceful solution agreed upon by all the components of the Syrian people- to Egypt and then Tunisia and Yemen, they all need true leaders who can provide a comprehensive, effective project for their peoples and countries, in order not to allow for their states to be held hostages to terrorism and to keep them away from international interventions which would be endless. We also welcome the positive development of negotiations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the West and hope they come up with a global solution for this sensitive issue by recognizing the right of Iran, as Islamic country in the region, to acquire peaceful nuclear power and lifting the embargo, and reassuring the region and the international community about the peaceful purposes of such process. Furthermore, we welcome the visit made by Turkish officials to Iraq and this rebuilding of relations with this Islamic brother neighbor, while we underline the importance of improving the relations with the Gulf countries with Palestine being always the most important issue for the nation. Regardless the developments in the other arenas, Palestine, its Arab Muslim people and its just cause will remain our main concern.
My master and lord Abu Abdullah, we will follow your path of right and sacrifice. We will remain Husseinis forever this life. You are our starting point and ending point. You learn from you how to be leaders of the rights and followers of the original message of Muhammad (PBUH). Under your banner, we shall be victorious; through your course, we will survive, and to you project, we will adhere.
Yesterday, today and tomorrow, we will remain the holders of the flame of your great rise-up, and history will eternalize our memory because we were attached to you and worked under your banners.
We promise you my master to defend the nation and the ideology with loyalty, to keep on walking in the path of your fair state, to serve our people and to raise the name of Iraq of Hussein high.
Peace be upon Hussein, the children of Hussein and the companions of Hussein. Peace be upon all revolutionaries because they followed the course of Hussein. Peace be upon all reformers because they learnt from Hussein.
Peace be upon the martyrs of Islam, of Iraq and of mankind. Peace be upon the martyred references and both Sadr martyrs, the martyr of the niche and Aziz of Iraq.
All the reverence and respect for the servants of Hussein and Husseini marches, and to you Husseinis, men, women, youth, children and elders. To those who reanimate the rituals and symbols of Hussein, may you be pleased.
Peace be upon those tears shed by the lovers of your course, those hearts opened to your love and those pure lives that fought with you. And peace be upon the hands and legs that were cut off as a price to visit you, those bodies blown up by the malicious persons while walking to you, and those who believed in your revolution and followed your lead until they were martyred. And peace and mercy be upon you Abu Abdullah.