Sayyid Al-Hakeem calls to implement citizens’ direct contact infrastructure
Sayyid Ammar Al-Hakeem, Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, met with Governor Badr Al-Fahl of Salah Al-Din on 16/5/2024 and listened to a briefing about the local government's vision and plans for the province's development and reconstruction. His Eminence stressed the significance of political stability within the province and engaging with all political factions to ensure the success of the local government's initiatives. Furthermore, implementing developmental projects and prioritizing those with high approval rates are essential was reiterated. H.E. illustrated the importance of infrastructure and direct citizen engagement in service provision. H.E. also affirmed the necessity of liaising with ministries and other state institutions, as well as securing the authorities of local governments in line with the principles of decentralization, as both a constitutional and legal entitlement.